I Lost Investors When I Switched To Gospel Music – iOna Reine

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I Lost Investors When I Switched To Gospel Music – iOna Reine


WHEN singer iOna Reine decided to switch from secular to Gospel music, she knew the move would come with some challenges but little did she anticipate losing her friends and helpers would be a part of it.

But to her surprise, some of her close friends as well as helpers who had expressed interest in investing in her craft have all turned their backs on her.

Speaking to Graphic Showbiz in an interview, iOna Reine, born Mercy Abena Onuawonto Sam, said her unwavering dedication to her faith and music has helped her weather these storms.

“I have lost a lot of friends and helpers but I have also gained a new sense of purpose and fulfilment that I never experienced before. I found Jesus and He asked me to spread His word and I decided to use the gift He gave me to do it.

“I want my music to touch hearts and inspire change. I believe that through Gospel music, I can spread messages of hope, love and positivity,” iOna Reine emphasised.

Still sharing her challenges, iOna Reine said: “I had to grapple with conflicting emotions, fear of how my audience would react and whether I could effectively convey my newfound faith through my music. I was also questioned on my motives for ditching secular music.”

In all these, iOna Reine believes her move has not only affected her professional life but has also led to personal growth and introspection.

She shared that her newfound path has allowed her to discover a deeper connection to herself and a renewed sense of purpose and she is hopeful that her music can serve as a source of solace and strength for others who may be navigating their own journeys of faith.

“I do not have any regret transitioning from secular to Gospel music at all, life is more peaceful and I am enjoying my walk with God— less noise, just enjoying peace.

“I am no longer stressed about gaining popularity or having my music go everywhere; I just enjoying obeying God. I now have a good sense of direction and affecting other lives positively by drawing them to our source who is Jesus,” she said.

Source: Graphic Showbiz

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