Don’t Be Compelled To Share Your Stories – Lydia Forson cautions ‘Sex For Grades’ Victims

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Don’t Be Compelled To Share Your Stories – Lydia Forson cautions ‘Sex For Grades’ Victims

Lydia Forson

Actress Lydia Forson has advised ladies who have been sexually harassed to be firm on their stance to keep their stories unless they are mentally prepared for the consequences that will follow their ‘testimonies’.

The actress’ comments come after the Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee of the University of Ghana, urged students both continuing and past, to come forward with evidence of sexual harassment from lecturers.

Dr. Margaret Amoakohene, the Chairperson of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee of the University of Ghana (UG), said the call is to afford persons who did not know of the existence of her committee and therefore suffered in silence, the opportunity to have justice.

“Come forward if you have evidence to show that during your four-year-stay on the University of Ghana Campus this happened to you.” she said Tuesday.

“The (BBC) documentary is like the first point that we received something to work with. The next thing is to invite people who think they have been victims in times past or they are currently being victimized to come forward.

“We are going to invite persons who have encountered these two lecturers or any others to come forward,” she further added.

But actress Lydia Forson said the ladies involved should not be compelled to tell their stories if they are not mentally prepared to handle the shame that will come after. She warned them about the intention behind the call, saying people are only hungry for news

“Dear Ladies “who’ve been sexually harassed by anyone”, Don’t feel compelled to share unless you’re ready, don’t be “dared” into speaking on your experiences by people only thirsty for news. You have to be mentally ready for the victim shaming and blame game it comes with”, she tweeted.

The BBC Africa Eye on Monday 7th October released a documentary on “Sex for Grades” which exposed how some lecturers at University of Ghana and University of Lagos sexually harass students who come to them for academic help.

Since the release, some of the lecturers have been interdicted, pending investigations into the claims of sexual harassment.

Check Lydia Forson’s tweet below:

Source: Ghana Web

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