Efia Odo: Don’t Go Chasing Love

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Efia Odo: Don’t Go Chasing Love

Efia Odo

Socialite, media personality and actress, Efia Odo is asking young people not to chase love since it forces them to always settle for less.

In a viral video sighted by Graphic Showbiz, the controversial entertainment personality disclosed that she endured toxic relationships following her lack of self-love.

“Don’t look for love. Let love find you because I was in that space where I wasn’t looking for love. I was done with men.

“But then love found me. So don’t go looking for love. Let love naturally find you. Sometimes because you are looking and want it so bad, you have to settle for anything that comes.

“That’s why I say you have to love yourself. I was settling for less than what I deserved. The basic thing, this man couldn’t even do for me. I was so blinded by wanting love so bad that I was settling for way less than I deserve,” she said.

In the video, Efia Odo whose real name is Andrea Owusu disclosed that she has found true love now but she and her new boyfriend intend to practice celibacy.

In an earlier interview with Graphic Showbiz last month, Efia disclosed that no man could convince her to change the way she dresses.

“Any man who says he loves me will have to accept me the way I am because I will not change to please him. I want to live my life as a happy girl and be able to take decisions on my own. I don’t want stress from anyone,” she stated.

As an actress, Efia Odo has featured in Ghanaian movies such as Heels and Sneakers. She was also a TV presenter at Kwese TV.


Source: Graphic Showbiz

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