I Have A Different Part Of Me As A Wife -Sika Osei

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I Have A Different Part Of Me As A Wife -Sika Osei

Sika Osei

NOT many young women in the entertainment industry have been able to successfully juggle their married lives and careers.

However, Ghanaian actress and TV Personality Sika Osei believes it can be done with planning and the right mindset.

Speaking in an interview with Graphic Showbiz on Monday, April 3, Sika Osei stated that combining one’s career and marriage can be a handful.

“I am not Sika Osei, the TV presenter, host and actress when I am home. I am Mrs Douglas and that is a different part of me that many do not get to see because it is reserved for my husband.

“I have always believed that choosing who you decide to spend the rest of your life with, especially when you are in this industry, is very important. There is a level of patience, love, trust, support and understanding that your partner must have and that is key to being able to help us (women) keep the two going successfully.

“In addition to that, privacy is very important. Not everything is meant for social media and this allows me to separate my two lives. I am not Sika Osei, the TV presenter, host and actress when I am home. I am Mrs Douglas and that is a different part of me that many do not get to see because it is reserved for my husband.

“Then, of course, prayers because the truth is, it is not easy. Seeing to two major parts of life requires planning and wisdom and it is something I am still working on,” she said.

 Touching on her media journey, the co-host of Ladies Circle, which airs on TV3, stated that it has been a memorable one with a bit of everything.

“It has been memorable to say the least. Like any journey, it’s been a rollercoaster of high ups and sometimes depressing lows but we’ve still managed to stay afloat.

“After nine years of being in front and behind the camera, I can still say that I am passionate about what I do and look forward to excelling even further in the field”, she said.

Elaborating further on her most exciting part of her media journey, Sika stated: “Being in this industry is just fun, let me begin there. Sometimes frustrating, but mostly very enjoyable. However, what excites me the most, I think, is how I make people feel.

“The joy, the positive impact it creates, not just for myself, but also for those who watch me and are inspired to follow in my footsteps in one way or the other. It is extremely fulfilling. In addition, it has opened doors for me to travel and explore and also meet some pretty incredible people and personalities,” she added.

Source: Graphic Showbiz

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